"Through the generosity of Monica, our long-time volunteer at the Star Shelter, visitors engaged in a handmade card-making workshop. Children and adults alike were engrossed with the beautiful materials and colors they used to create gratitude cards for their loved ones. Thank you, Monica, for providing such a lovely and
heartwarming activity for all!"
Singapore Council of Women's Organizations (SCWO), Singapore
"Helpful, loving, and welcoming. These classes are a fabulous addition to my week.
I definitely find that they contribute to a fruitful and positive state of mind. Monica is incredibly knowledgeable and gracious. The time spent doing these workshops has definitely made me feel more positive and grateful. I have just finished my second course and will be taking a third coming up. I highly recommend these sessions."
Erika Baroness Von Schubert
"It has been an incredible journey – of learning, introspecting, and growing. You have introduced us to so many positive ideas – even if we implement one or two of them, it can be positively life changing. I would love to stay in touch and even do more classes in the future. Thank you with all my heart."
Vrinda Jain, Ecopreneur
"My wife recommended me to join Monica’s meditation classes. I found the meditations very relaxing and calming. Monica created a very calm and tranquil environment in her beautiful home. I felt a lovely warmth and peace attending the sessions at Monica’s home. I found the learnings to give gratitude each day plus think positive and use positive affirmations very powerful to bring things into perspective each day."
Niall W
"These classes are amazing! The meditation in a group setting somehow has a more positive effect on the mind, making it a more relaxing and happy experience. The talks we listen to and the thoughts we share are always so insightful that they always let me walk home with a nugget of wisdom that I am missing in my current day-to-day life.
Monica does a fantastic job of taking us through this journey and getting us to think how to make life more beautiful. Loved these classes. I gained a lot!"
Renu Ramantha, Software Design Engineer
"I would strongly recommend this meditation/mindfulness course to everyone. The ‘positiveness’ and peace you get from this course are so healing for the mind and body. All the meditations, mindfulness videos, and positive talks are so enlightening and helpful. Another positive aspect is meeting other people and enjoying the conversations. I have attended 5 courses and look forward to more. Thank you, Monica, for all your
commitment and hard work."
Nidhi Dhaka, Plastic Engineer, MBA
"Monica’s positivity rubs on everyone she meets. She has deeply influenced me to follow the practice of gratitude in a big way. I love her energy and it touches everyone she comes in contact with. She is an evolved soul whose mission is to heal and give to society. I take a lot of professional, personal, and spiritual guidance from Monica, and whenever
I need her she is ready to help me out of any situation. I am so thankful to Monica."
Vasundhra Puri, Founder, Prana Wellness, Dubai